Juniors are any exhibitor age 18 or under on the day of the show. If you are a 4H member, this is different than the "4H age"
Juniors may enter birds in the junior show, or open show, but the same bird cannot be entered in both open and junior at the same time. If you are entering birds in both open and junior, please use a separate form for your junior birds for each division.
Sadly, due to recent circumstances, it becomes necessary to give the following disclaimer. The junior show is a special division for our youth in the hobby to learn and grow. It is important for them to do as much of their projects themselves, to prepare them for their future as adult hobbyists. Please respect the junior show and offer guidance and help when needed based on the age and experience of the junior exhibitor, but please, adults, refrain from using the junior show as an area to push your entries with your children. Entered junior exhibitors need to be in attendance for awards to be given.
We will be having showmanship on Saturday. It will be YEPA sanctioned. We highly recommend bringing an extra bird for showmanship as the judges will not wait for your bird to come back from showmanship to judge it.
On Sunday, from 10am-noon, junior exhibitors who sign up will have the opportunity to test their bird evaluation skills. This contest will be organized very similarly to large animal livestock judging. There will be 4 birds arranged in cages for the juniors to handle and place 1st-4th. These placings will be scored against the official placings from a licensed judge. They will then need to briefly, 3 minutes or less, verbally explain to the licensed judge their reasonings for their placings and support their decision. The judge will score this portion of oral reasons on a rubric. Awards will be given and determined once we see what ages of juniors sign up for this contest. If there are a lot in a wide range of ages, we may split and do a junior and senior division.
New in 2022, we will be adding two more educational contests for our juniors. The skillathon contest is a paper knowledge quiz about anything pertaining to poultry. The poster contest is for juniors to create an educational poster on any topic they choose that pertains to poultry. See the show catalog for more rules and guidelines.